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Dr. Esmail Babolian

Current position: Researcher, Ph.D. and Professor

Field: Applied Mathematics - Numerical Analysis


Work address: Department of Mathematical Science and Computer, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Some journal articles:


An augmented Galerkin method for first kind Fredholm equations, J. Inst. Maths. Applics. 24, 157-174, 1979. (joint work)

A fast Galerkin scheme for linear integro-differential equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1, 193-213, 1981. (joint work)

Parallel solution of Fredholm integral equations, Journal of Parallel Computing 12, 95-106, 1989. (joint work)

Application of determinant of  matrices in number theory, Proceedings of CIEAEM 42, Poland, 1990.

Automatic augmented Galerkin algorithms for singular first kind integral equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol. 17, No. 1, 69-84, 1997. (joint work)

Interpolation of fuzzy data by natural splines, Korean J. of Computational and Applied Math., Vol. 5, No. 2, 457-463, 1998. (joint work)

Solution of a system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind, Fareast J. Math. Sci., Vol. 2, No. 6, 935-945, 2000. (joint work)

An automatic augmented Galerkin method for singular integral equations with Hilbert kernel, Korean J. Comp. App. Maths, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2001. (joint work)

Solving the problem of biological species living together by Adomian decomposition method, App. Math. and Computation 129/2-3, 339-343, 2002. (joint work)

On the order of convergence of Adomian method, App. Math. and Computation 130/2-3, 383-387, 2002. (joint work)

Solution of a system of linear Volterra equations by Adomian decomposition method, Fareast J. Math. Sci. 7(1), 17-25, 2002. (joint work)

A modified spectral method for numerical solution of ordinary differential equations with non-analytic solution, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 132, 134-351, 2002. (joint work)

Solution of nonlinear equations by modified Adomian decomposition method, App. Math. and Computation 132/1, 167-172, 2002. (joint work)

An alternate algorithm for computing Adomian polynomials in special cases, App. Math. and Computation 138, 523-529, 2002. (joint work)

Solving concrete examples by Adomian method, App. Math. and Computation 135, 161-167, 2003. (joint work)

Solution of a system of Volterra integral equations of the first kind by Adomian method, App. Math. and Computation 139, 249-258, 2003. (joint work)

Reducing index and spectral methods for DAEs, App. Math. and Computation 140, 77-90, 2003. (joint work)

Solution of the kinetic modeling of lactic acid fermentation using Adomian decomposition method, Appl. Math. and Computation 144, 433-439, 2003. (joint work)

Solving the non-linear advection-reaction by Adomian method, International Journal of Computation and Numerical Analysis and Application, Vol. 3, No. 4, 359-365, 2003. (joint work)

Restarted Adomian method for algebraic equations, App. Math. and Computation 146, 533-541, 2003. (joint work)

New method for calculating Adomian polynomials, Applied Mathematics and Computation 153, 253-259, 2004. (joint work)

Numerical implementation of Adomian decomposition method, Applied Mathematics and Computation 153, 301-305, 2004. (joint work).

A computable error bound for approximate solution of linear integral equations by Adomian decomposition method, ICN AAM, 2004. (joint work)

Restarted Adomian method for integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 153, 353-359, 2004. (joint work)

Restarted Adomian method for nonlinear differential equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2005. (joint work)

On numerical improvement of Gauss-Legendre quadrature rules, Applied Mathematics and Computation 160, 779-789, 2005. (joint work)

Numerical solution of linear Fredholm fuzzy integral equations of the second kind by Adomian method, Applied Mathematics and Computation 161, 733-744, 2005. (joint work)

Restarted Adomian method for system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation 161, 745-751, 2005. (joint work)

Solution of heat equation with nonlinear and nonlocal boundary conditions by Adomian decomposition method, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 29, 1045-1051, 2005. (joint work)

Numerical implementation of Adomian decomposition method for linear Volterra integral equations of the second kind, Applied Mathematics and Computation, to appear. (joint work)

On numerical improvement of Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rules, Applied Mathematics and Computation, to appear. (joint work)

Babolian , E. , Masjed-Jamei , M. , Eslahchi , M.R & Dehghan, Mehdi , On numerical integration methods with T-distribution weight function , AMC 174 , 1314-1320, 2006.

Abbasbandy , S. , Babolian , E. , & Allame, M. , Numerical  solution of fuzzy  max-min systems , AMC 174 , 1321-1328 , 2006 .

Babolian , E. , & Masouri , Z., A  modified  Taylor-series expansion method for integral  equations of the scond kind with convolution kernel , Mathematics Scientific Journal , Vol . 2, No. 5, Autumn & winter 2006-2007.

Babolian , E. , lotfi , T. , & Paripour , M. , Wavelet moment method for solving Frecholm integral equations of the scond kind , AMC 186,1467-1471,2007.

Babolian , E. , & Fattahzadeh , F. , Numerical  solution  of differential equations by using Chebyshev wavelet operational matrix of operation , AMC 188, 417-426 , 2007.

Abbasbandy , S. , Babolian , E. , &  Alavi , M. , Numerical  method for solving linear Fredholm fuzzy integral equations of the scond kind , Chaos , Solitons & Fractals 31, 138-146 , 2007.

Babolian , E. , & Fattahzadeh , F. , Numerical  computation method in solving integral  equations by using Chebyshev wavelet operational matrix of integration , AMC 188, 1016-1022 , 2007.

Babolian , E. , Abbasbandy , S. , & Fattahzadeh , F. , A  numerical method  for solving a class of functional  and two dimensional  integral  equations , Applied  Mathematics and Computation198 , 2008 .

Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s. , Naser - Moghadasi , M. , Babolian , E. ,  Masouri , Z. , Numerical  Approach to Survey the Problem of Electromagnetic  Scattering from  Resistive Strips Based on Using a Set of Orthogonal  Basis Fuuntions , Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 81 , 393-412 , 2008 .

Babolian , E.,  Masouri , Z., A modified  Taylor-series expansion method for integral equations of the second kind with convolution kernel, Mathematics Scientific Journal, 2:5(2006-2007) 31-38.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Direct method to solve Volterra integral equation of the first kind using operational matrix with block-pulse functions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathenatics, 220(2008) 51-57.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Numerical  solution  of linear Volterra and Fredholm  integral  equations of the second kind using direct method via  triangular functions, submitted for publication.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Numerical  solution  of linear Volterra and Fredholm integro-differential equations using direct method via triangular functions, submitted for publication.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Numerical  solution  of Volterra integro-differential equation  By direct method via block-pulse functions, Journal of Science, Tarbiat Moallem University, in press.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s.,  A direct method for numerically solving Volterra equations system using  orthogonal triangular functions, International Journal of Industrial Mathenatics, 1;2 (2009) 135-145.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s.,  A set of multi-dimensional orthogonal basis  equations and its application to solve integral  equations, submitted for publication.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s., Introducing a direct method to solve nonlinear Volterra and Fredholm integral  equations using orthogonal triangular functions, Mathematics Scientific Journal,  in press.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s., New direct method to solve nonlinear Volterra - Fredholm integral and integro-differential equations using operational matrix with block-pulse functions,  Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 8 (2008) 59-76.

Babolian , E.,  Masouri ,Z., Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s., Numerical solution of nonlinear Volterra – Fredholm integro-differential equations via direct method using triangular functions, Computational and Mathenatics with Applications, 58 (2009) 239-247.

Babolian , E., Mokhtari R., and Salmani M., Using direct method for solving variational problems via triangular functions,  Applied  Mathematics and Computation191 , (2007) 206-217.

Babolian , E., Salimi Shamloo A., Numerical solution of Volterra integral and integro-differential equations of convolution type by using operational matrices of piecewise  constant orthogonal functions, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathenatics, 214(2008) 495-508.

Hatamzadeh - Varmazyar , s., Naser-Moghadasi M., Babolian E.,  and  Masouri Z., Calculating the radar cross section of the resistive  targets using the Haar wavelets, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 83 (2008) 55-80.

Shahsavaran, A ., Babolian E.,   Computational method for solving nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of Hammerstein type based on Lagrange interpolation and quadrature method, Mathematics Scientific Journal 10 (2009), 137-145.

Mohammadi Yaghoobi, F., Lotfi, T.,  Babolian E.,  Computing the Beta Function by Adomian Decomposition and Homotopy Erturbation Methods and Comparion Them, Journal of Applied Mathematics 20, 93, 2009.

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